User Benefits

Powerful Search Engine
Prompt’s built in search engine allows you to find the documents you need instantly. You can search in a specific organisation/department, by Document type or keep it simple and just use keywords like you do with Google. Prompt automatically searches for similar terms and alternate spellings.
Get Organised
As the user responsible for one or many documents you will need to keep them updated. With Prompt, you can:
- Use the Documents page to view and manage the documents you’re currently editing
- Receive automatic email notifications when a document is due for review
- Receive direct messages from others using your document
- Access and view all revisions of the document
- Use built-in reporting to list all document information in your organisation (many reports available).

Link & Share
Prompt uniquely allows health organisations to share their document information for the benefit of all. You can find an existing document in another organisation, copy it into your department and then receive an automatic email notification when the original document is updated.
Find The Right Information
Prompt puts the latest, critical information at your finger tips. Now you can put a link to a document in an email/document/web page and never have to worry about updating the information – Prompt always serves up the latest version at the click of a button.